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'Salvia - Amistad' Seeds

Salvia guaranitica




  • Perennial to 90 - 150cm H x 100cm
  • Extremely long flowering (all year round in warm climates)
  • Black and purple flower spikes
  • Bee, butterfly and bird attracting
  • Suits beds, borders and pots
  • Aromatic flowers and foliage


Emerald green, mounding foliage topped continuously with black spires bursting with purple blooms from spring to autumn. The royal purple florets open from dark, almost black calyxes above the foliage, forming a deep haze over the plant. The leaves are lovely and thick, to stand up to the heat. An excellent bedding or large container plant that is quick to establish with a long bloom period.


These rugged plants require little and do so much. Plant into moderately fertile, to humus rich, well drained soil. Choose a sunny position and water to establish, they become dry tolerant once they have settled in.


The aromatic foliage and abundant flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.

Salvia - Amistad

PriceFrom $2.49
  • Genus Salvia
    Species Guaranitica
    Common name Salvia - Amistad
    Type Perennial
    Flower color Black/very dark purple and purple
    Foliage Green
    Perfumed flowers Aromatic
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