UA-128256514-1 Foxglove - Excelsior Hybrids seeds | Brisbane Brugmansia Angel's Trumpets
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'Foxglove - Excelsior Hybrids Mix' Seeds

Digitalis purpurea


  • Biennial to 150cm
  • Pretty mix of soft colours in pink, white and purple
  • Great for borders
  • Excellent cut flower
  • Striking display in pots
  • Bee and butterfly attracting
  • Non-GMO, organic seeds
  • Perfumed


Foxglove produces dramatic, 1.5m tall upward spikes, covered in fragrant bell-shaped flowers. Excellent in borders and as a cut flower. Very striking display in pots. All parts of this plant are toxic if ingested. Can be invasive in Tasmania. 

Foxglove - Excelsior Hybrids

  • Genus Digitalis
    Species Purpurea
    Common name Foxglove Excelsior Hybrids
    Type Biennial
    Flower color Pink/White/Purple
    Foliage Green
    Perfumed flowers Yes
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