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'Candy Lily' Seeds

Iris x norrisii


Synonyms: Belamcanda chinensis




  • Evergreen perennial to 90cm
  • Candy pink flowers with deep pink speckled petals
  • Sword shaped grey-green leaves
  • Seed capsules can be used in floral arrangements
  • Flowers Summer through Autumn
  • Suits borders, pots and under trees
  • Low water requirements
  • Frost hardy
  • Good disease and pest resistance


Candy Lily is an easy to grow rhizomatous perennial that grows in a clumping manner, producing grey-green sword-shaped leaves, that bear loose clusters of candy pink flowers, each consisting of six petals geometrically arranged, with deep pink speckles. Individual blooms are short-lived – generally lasting only a day – but the plants produce a succession of flowers over a period of several weeks through summer and autumn. The flowers are followed by pear-shaped seed capsules that fade from green to tan. These eventually open to reveal the round, shiny black seeds arranged in clusters resembling large blackberries that give rise to the common name. The seeds remain on the stalks for several months. When left standing, the seed heads offer good winter interest, especially when viewed against a backdrop of snow. The seed heads are also a unique addition to dried flower arrangements.


Hybrid of Blackberry Lily (Iris domestica) x Vesper Iris (Iris dichotoma). Also known as Leopard Lily, Blackberry Lily. 




Hybridised by the late plant breeder Sam Norris of Kentucky, USA. This hybrid plant is not a true lily, but is a member of the iris family (Iridaceae). Its parents have gone through a number of name changes. One parent, Iris domestica (formerly Belamcanda chinensis, aka Iris chinensis) is from South East Asia and the Philippines, while the other, Iris dichotoma (formerly Pardanthopsis dichotoma) is from Mongolia and Russia. Iris x norrisii looks more like Iris domestica, but due to its parents, it grows in a very wide range of conditions and produces many different colour forms.

Candy Lily

SKU: 478
  • Genus Iris
    Species Iris x norrisii
    Common name Candy Lily (also known as Blackberry Lily and Leopard Lily)
    Type Perennial
    Flower color Candy pink with dark pink speckles
    Foliage Grey-green
    Perfumed flowers No
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